Race and Justice
"O Lord, how long will your church be divided along racial lines? How long will the lingering effects of animosity, injustice, and price mark your blessed bride? How long, O Lord, will my white brothers and sisters not understand the pain in those whose experience is different than ours? How long, O Lord, will my minority brothers and sisters struggle with distrust and feel ostracised?
God, grant us the heart to weep with those who weep. Give us empathy and understanding. Create trust where there is pain. Make your church the united bride you want her to be.
These divisions of mistrust and historical bias run deep, O God. Without you, nothing will ever change. In our pain and our weariness, we express our hope that Jesus can change our hearts and unite the church. We believe the gospel is greater than our divisions. And we long for the day when the world will take note of how we love each other. So, help us to meet each other in this prayerful journey. We come to learn to lament. Hear us as we weep together, that we might walk together.
In the name of Jesus, or King. Amen."
An excerpt from ‘A Prayer for Racial Reconciliation’, an article by Mark Vroegop
Eternal Perspective Ministries
How often do you think about the colour of your skin? A discussion between two friends.
The Gospel Coalition
George Floyd and Me
Christianity Today
I have only one hope for racial injustice: A God who conquered death
Why “I’m not a racist” is only half the story
A Biblical Response on Race - Sermon by Tony Evans
Children’s Resources
The Gospel Coalition
5 Children’s Books on Racism and the Gospel
Books and Resources for talking to your kids about racism
How to Talk To Your Kids About Racism
By Rosie Villodas
In this episode, Mark Vroegop, author of Weep with Me: How Lament Opens the Door for Racial Reconciliation, discusses the challenge of racial reconciliation and how the biblical practice of lament offers Christians from different backgrounds a common language for productive, God-honoring conversation. He shares from his own experiences walking alongside and learning from minority culture Christians, recounts the time that God opened his eyes to his own blindness while sitting in the office of an African-American pastor, and offers a response to those who wonder if the evangelical church in America will ever make real progress on these issues.