New Beginnings

April 2021 is a significant moment for me personally, after 11 years (a third of my life!), I leave behind the world of business and finance to work full time for the church. I do believe that an individual milestone is never devoid of corporate implications, at least in the kingdom of God. After all, we're family, you and me. Sons and daughters of the living God. Therefore our stories collide under God's story. This side of Jesus we're stewards of God's great story. And that I believe is the role of the church... you and me, carrying the Jesus story with us wherever we go. A continuation of his ministry under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

There's often a pressure for leaders both in industry and churches to have a manifesto. Some sort of mission statement that they pin their lives to and that they commit to against all else. I'm afraid I don't have one of those. Of course, there are sure to be things that mark us out as a church in this city which, as I've said, God will form together with all our little lives in his grand picture. It is clear that part of pastoral gifting is leadership and so leading from a place of spiritual conviction will undoubtedly mean there is emphasis and intentionality in how we proceed from here.

In any event, what new manifesto can I come up with that is better than the one already given? Church being the continuation of the ministry of Jesus, when we think about it, Jesus' life was fulfilling the heart of God which was that all of mankind would know Him, and out of knowing Him they would love Him, and out of loving Him, they would serve Him. Tim Jack put it like this, "the purpose of the church is to mature the found and find the lost".

I don't have a manifesto but I do have a dream. Even then it's not my own dream... it was uttered by the prophet Habbakuk in prayer to God - "LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."

Would join me in praying this prayer? Lord, our God, would you share your fame with this city, your city, Edinburgh. Father, please hallow your name here and reside in every sector and institution. In every home and heart. Repeat your deeds here so that there is nothing as famous in my heart or in this city than you. In Jesus name. Amen...

- Pastor Jacob Crolla


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Practising the way of Jesus - Sabbath


“Earth has nothing I desire besides you”